Remi Kanazi
Remi Kanazi has called for violence against Israelis, spread anti-Semitism, minimized the Holocaust and shown support for terrorists. He has also spread incitement, celebrated intifada, equated Israel with Nazi Germany and promoted hatred of Zionists, Zionism, Israel and America.
Kanazi is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Kanazi is affiliated with the anti-Israel student group, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). He participated in numerous SJP national conferences, including in 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012.
As of May 2024, Kanazi was on the advisory board of the United States Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), since July 2020. Kanazi had previously served on the USACBI organizing committee from 2011 to 2020.
As of May 2024, Kanazi’s Facebook page said he was a “Poet, organizer & author.”
Kanazi has written two books of anti-Israel poetry: “Poetic Injustice: Writings on Resistance and Palestine” published in 2011, and “Before the Next Bomb Drops: Rising Up from Brooklyn to Palestine” published in 2015. He is also the editor of “Poets for Palestine” published in 2008.
Kanazi has toured in the U.S. and the U.K. promoting his books and has given poetry readings and spoken-word performances at literary festivals in the Middle East.
As of May 2024, Kanazi’s LinkedIn profile said he was located in Queens, New York.
As of May 2024, Kanazi went by the username “Remi Kanazi ” and used the handle “@Remroum” on Twitter.
On November 8, 2024, Kanazi posted on X, referring to anti-Semitic pogroms in Amsterdam that occurred earlier that day: “Normalize Israeli war criminals getting their a** beat.”
On November 8, 2024, anti-Semitic rioters coordinated a violent attack on hundreds of Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Local police reported that at least five victims were hospitalized and more than 60 assailants were arrested.
Also on November 8, 2024, Kanazi posted on X, referring to the same events: “ think I give a f**k about some violent Israelis getting beat up. Those blood drenched scumbags should be happy they are alive and they didn’t get the Gaza treatment. Israeli lives aren’t f**king special. F**k those genocidal Nazis.”
On the same date, Kanazi also posted on X: “How many Israeli soldiers were in Amsterdam? Every last one of those genociders deserved to get their a** beat. They should be lucky that they weren’t hauled off to a war crimes tribunal at The Hague.”
On November 9, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “What happened in Amsterdam is going to happen again and again and again until genocide ends. It had nothing to do with Jewish hate and everything to do with Israeli genocide. Nothing is normal about genocide and nothing will be normal for Israelis until it ends.”
On December 18, 2024, referring to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Kanazi posted on X: “Netanyahu isn’t from Palestine. He’s a white colonizer cosplaying as native. Israel was created by white European settlers. They have as much right to the land as the French had a right to Algeria. They are violent thieves. Zionism has no place in Palestine.”
One way that anti-Israel activists spread anti-Semitism is to claim [00:06:46] that Jews, particularly Ashkenazi Jews, do not descend from the ancient Israelites. This claim alleges that Jews are white Europeans who lack a connection to the Land of Israel.
On November 26, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Israel is a barbaric, genocidal state. Its lust for extermination rivals Germany in the 1940s. Nazism and Zionism have no place in this world. They only know death camps and mass graves. Their survival is based on destruction. Palestine will only be free with Zionism gone.”
On December 2, 2022: Kanazi tweeted: “Your periodic reminder that Nakba denial is no less shameful than Holocaust denial.…”
The term “Nakba” is generally translated as “catastrophe” in Arabic, referring to the outcome of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. It is a term used to delegitimize the creation of the State of Israel by drawing a comparison to the Holocaust, known in Hebrew as the Shoah, meaning “catastrophe.”
Anti-Israel activists compare Israel to Nazi Germany to insinuate that the plight of Palestinians has eclipsed Jewish suffering during the Holocaust.
On August 4, 2016, Kanazi tweeted: “So the Holocaust makes the ethnic cleansing of Palestine/continued occupation ok? 1 tragedy doesn’t justify another.”
On April 20, 2012, Kanazi tweeted: “What would Holocaust Remembrance Day be without someone comparing Iran to Nazi Germany. #Fail.”
On November 10, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “I’ve never been a pacifist. People have the right to resist, in all forms that comes in / Modes of resistance are tactical. It’s question of strategy & what produces results. Each situation is different / Ex: I support BDS because I think it’s effective, not cuz it’s nonviolent.”
Anti-Israel activists use the term “resistance” to refer to violence and terror perpetrated against Israeli civilians and their allies. It is used to glorify and encourage anti-Israel and anti-Semitic violence. Anti-Israel activists chant slogans such as: “Resistance by any means necessary!” and “Resistance is justified when people are occupied!” in response to terror attacks.
On May 21, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “Just got a copy of this, the Ghassan Kanafani Resistance Arts Anthology. / This is the 6th edition. I had the pleasure of being one of the judges for the first edition…”
Kanafani was a leading member and spokesperson for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) during the terrorist organization’s early years. Kanafani announced the PFLP’s responsibility for the Lod Airport Massacre of May 1972 and was linked to the airport attackers. The attack killed 26 people and wounded 80 others.
On June 10, 2021, Kanazi tweeted: “If anything is actually offensive, it’s comparing Israel and Hamas. / One is an occupier and a major military power carrying out massacres and mass violence against a civilian population trapped in an open air prison…”
Referring to Gaza as an “open-air prison” is a way to delegitimize the UN-approved [pp. 39–41] joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip imposed in 2011 to prevent Hamas from acquiring more sophisticated rockets. Following Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, the Israeli military discovered that Hamas went around the blockade by smuggling weaponry through tunnels under the Philadelphi corridor separating Gaza from Egypt.
Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S., Canada, European Union, Israel and other countries. Founded in 1987, it has killed thousands of Israeli civilians through mass shootings and suicide bombings. Hamas has also kidnapped children, families and the elderly and held them hostage in Gaza. It has desecrated [slide 7] dead bodies and launched numerous rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.
On March 26, 2019, Kanazi tweeted: “Before there was Hamas or the Palestinian Authority or the PLO or Yasser Arafat, there was Israeli ethnic cleansing, massacre, martial law, apartheid, and land theft / That is what Palestinians have endured for over 7 decades. That system of violence is the root of the problem.”
Yasser Arafat was the former leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and is known by some as the “father of modern terrorism.” Arafat reportedly told Arab diplomats in a secret meeting in 1996: “We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. Jews will not want to live among Arabs. I have no use for Jews. They are and remain Jews."
On August 23, 2016, Kanazi posted on Instagram: “Palestinian political prisoner Bilal Kayed has been on hunger strike for more than 70 days…”#Palestine #HungerStrike #AbolishPrisons #Freedom4Bilal. The post included an image of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) member Bilal Kayed, calling for his release.
PFLP terrorist Bilal Kayed was incarcerated for 14 years for terror attacks and attempted terror attacks committed during the second intifada, in 2002.
On March 7, 2016, Kanazi tweeted: “International Women’s Day: Khalida Jarrar’s statement from HaSharon prison…” The tweet linked to a post by Samidoun that included Jarrar’s statement.
Khalida Jarrar is a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror organization. In 2019, she was arrested for her role as the leader of the PFLP in the West Bank, which had carried out a deadly 2018 bombing and was reportedly “planning additional attacks.” She was among 50 PFLP operatives arrested.
On January 27, 2016, Kanazi posed for a Facebook photo alongside convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh and posted “#JusticeforRasmea.”
Rasmea Odeh was a key military operative [00:02:08] with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization. In 1969, she masterminded a PFLP supermarket bombing that killed two college students. She also attempted to bomb the British consulate in Jerusalem. Odeh later moved to the United States but was deported to Jordan in 2017 for immigration fraud.
On June 5, 2021, Kanazi tweeted: “...Keep your eyes on Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, and Palestinians bring brutalized across Palestine and keep your voices raised.”
In May 2021, calls to “save” Sheikh Jarrah, a Jerusalem neighborhood at the center of a property dispute, led to violence against Israelis and were one of the leading factors in Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists firing over 4,300 rockets from Gaza into Israel that month.
On June 4, 2021, Kanazi tweeted: “...Palestinians run a marathon to shine light on Sheikh Jarrah + Silwan / Israeli occupation forces proceed to attack them & fire stun grenades at them / No matter the route, Palestinians face violence.”
On March 14, 2019, Kanazi tweeted: “...Israeli occupation hasn’t skipped a beat. This week: ...150 Israeli settlers raided Al-Aqsa compound… / Israel assaulted worshippers at Al Aqsa.”
Allegations of Jews “threatening” to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque have been a traditional pretext for Arab attacks on Jews predating the State of Israel.
Palestinians and anti-Israel activists have historically described visits by Jews to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as “incursions” during which Jews purportedly “storm” the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque. Palestinians have also frequently used the mosque to stockpile stone slabs, fireworks and rocks, with which they attack Israeli security officers and non-Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount.
On September 15, 2015, Kanazi tweeted: “...Zionist occupiers storm Al-Aqsa compound, Palestinians simply defend themselves from violent invades…”
On September 13, 2015, masked Palestinian rioters barricaded themselves inside the Al Aqsa Mosque. They set off fireworks, starting a small fire, and threw stones and debris stored inside the mosque at Israeli police. The police later found pipe bombs the rioters had prepared to launch at Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount plaza.
On December 13, 2017, Kanazi tweeted: “And yet Palestinians will continue to resist, rise up, and reject Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid. Whether or not world governments approve or not. Intifada means shaking off. 30 years after the first intifada, Palestinians are still resisting Israeli state repression.”
Since the early 2000s, the term “intifada,” which translates from Arabic as “uprising” or “insurrection,” has carried the connotation of violence.
The first intifada lasted from 1987 to 1991 and resulted in over 120 Israeli civilian casualties. Palestinian terrorists hijacked multiple buses and carried out shooting, stabbing and bombing attacks against Israelis, including the bombing of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem.
On December 8, 2019, Kanazi tweeted: “32 years ago today, the first Intifada began…popular protest against Israeli apartheid & occuaption for a half decade.”
On February 24, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “It's an absolute death cult in Israel. / There are no Israeli civilians. Only accomplices. / Israel = Nazism and Nazism = Israel / The sooner Palestinians clear out this hell hole, the better!”
On December 12, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Netanyahu was shortlisted for Time’s Person of the Year / Hitler won Time’s Man of the Year in 1938 / At least they are consistent.”
On February 2, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “Zionism is just as bad as white supremacism and Nazism / If you don't challenge people on their Zionism, you are a racist.”
On January 27, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “If someone said make Nazis, bigots and white supremacists feel unwelcome, people would rightly be fine with that / Zionism is a racist, genocidal ideology. It’s not a race, religion or ethnicity…”
On January 26, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “Make Zionists feel unwelcome. Always. In all spaces.”
On December 24, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Merry Christmas to all those celebrating, except Christian Zionists. May you all rot and only see misery for the rest of your days 🎄.”
On December 8, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “When we talk about the fall of a regime, we also talk about the fall of the Zionist regime. It has only existed for 76 years. It is not permanent. It is not everlasting. It will fall. It will be forgotten, with the dictators and despots and US backed war criminals.”
The modern State of Israel was founded 76 years earlier, in 1948.
Also on December 8, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Can’t wait til the Zionist regime collapses, our prisoners are liberated, and the land of Palestine is free.”
On the same date, Kanazi posted on X: “Israel needs to be fought and resisted wherever it steps foot. Zionism needs to be abolished in Palestine. Liberation can only exist without the presence of Zionism.”
On November 29, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “2025 is going to be a hell of a fight on Palestine intentionally. No ground should be given to Zionists. Kick them out of your spaces. Make them feel isolated, shamed and hated. Ratchet up anti Zionism in 2025. On campuses, in your institutions and in your local communities.”
On November 28, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Also, not sorry. Zionists should live in fear. To the point of having anxiety attacks and tremors at night. Fear that this moment could be their last breath or they could lose their children at any moment. That’s the least they deserve until 13 months of genocide ends.”
On November 26, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Zionists are just out and out Nazis / They revel in burning kids alive, exterminating whole families, blowing up maternity wards, the elderly and holy sites / They ask you if you’ve had enough. They are abusers and rapists and unhinged killers who think power equals being right.”
On the same date, Kanazi posted on X: “A reminder: Many Palestinians were treated like blood thirsty, Jew hating barbarians for wanting a one state solution. Considered evil, genocidal maniacs for wanting everyone in the land to be free. No population to leave. Just freedom for all. But that was too much for Zionists.”
The “one-state solution” has been denounced from the Right and the Left as a scheme to dissolve Israel as the Jewish State.
Also on November 26, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Zionism has no home in Palestine.”
On November 15, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “They can pass all the laws they want, but it’s still gonna be f**k Zionism and Zionists all day, every day.”
Also on November 15, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Part of the ‘win’ is expanding anti-Zionism. If Trump attacks students, he emboldens them. / Yes, you can repress an event or an encampment, but you can’t defeat the idea of Palestinian liberation. / Linking Trump fascism to Israeli genocide only expands support for Palestine.”
Close to 200 anti-Israel college encampments were set up in North America in the spring of 2024. The first took place at Columbia University. Protesters harassed Jewish students, blocked Jews from campus facilities, used anti-Semitic language in their activism, promoted BDS and protested Israel’s war against Hamas.
On November 3, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Inside that building IS Nazi Germany. / The Jewish National Fund is a genocidal organization that has been colonizing Palestinian land and the ethnically cleansing Palestinians since Israel’s inception. It is a hate group that deserves splattered paint and smashed windows.”
The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is a “nonprofit organization and United Nations NGO (non-governmental organization) that gives all generations of Jews a unique voice in building a prosperous future for the land of Israel and its people. JNF began in 1901 as a dream and vision to reestablish a homeland in Israel for Jewish people everywhere.”
On October 29, 2024, Kanazi responded to a post on X from pro-Israel senator John Fetterman, saying: “Legit hope you die of your next stroke already. Slowly. Painfully. With chants of Free Free Palestine in the background.”
On October 19, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “F**k every last living Zionist. Isolate the s**t out of them. Kick them out of your spaces. They are no better than Nazis…Make them uncomfortable, make them unwelcome. Zionism has no place in a just world.”
On November 27, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “Nothing more refreshing that a cup of Zionist tears on a Sunday morning.” The tweet included an image of a half-filled white ceramic cup marked “Zionist Tears.”
On November 14, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “Zionism is racism and settler colonialism and can only be realized through theft, mass murder and domination of another people. Liberation for all will never come without a rejection of Zionism.”
In 1975, an anti-Israel resolution that branded Zionism as a form of racism was proposed and passed in the United Nations General Assembly. The resolution was repealed in 1991 by a much larger majority.
On May 13, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “Zionism is basically long covid for Palestinians.”
On May 11, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “Abolish Zionism.”
Also on May 11, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “Zionism is a vile and violent project. Every single Zionist is racist. Zionism is racist. You can’t be Zionist and anti-racist…”
On the same date, Kanazi tweeted: “Dismantle Zionism. Dismantle settler colonialism. Be proud of it. Wear it on your sleeve. There is nothing redeemable about mass land theft, apartheid and dystopic violence.”
On October 25, 2014, Kanazi tweeted: “‘Israeli Arabs must decry ISIS.’ Israeli Jews must decry Zionism. #Palestine.”
On November 28, 2010, Kanazi tweeted: “I want to ‘coexist’ with Zionism as much as I want to ‘coexist’ with the KKK...”
On August 13, 2010, Kanazi tweeted: “I have as little respect for a Zionist as I do any member of the KKK…”
On February 22, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “Do not believe a d**n thing the Israeli state has to say. They are genocide pushing propagandists who use dead Israelis like pawns for a state agenda.”
On February 15, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “October 7 had nothing to do with Judaism & everything to do Israeli settler colonialism, apartheid, siege, blockade & mass murder / Whether Jewish, Buddhist, Christian or Atheist, the problem with Zionism is that it's a racist ideology hellbent on land theft and ethnic cleansing.”
On January 20, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Israeli genocide and occupation takes many forms. May its oppressive structures disintegrate into dust.” Kanazi’s post was in response to a post that included a photo of Palestinian terrorist Khalida Jarrar after she was released from prison.
On January 16, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “It’s really so hard for Israel to let go of daily genocide. It’s their favorite meal of the day. You can’t blame them for pushing back the vote, when the result may be less genocide. It’s going to be really tough for them.”
On January 15, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “Boycott Israel. Sanction Israel. Divest from Israel. Refuse to perform in Israel. Arrest Israeli soldiers and war criminals. Genocide is not in the past. Genocide is not forgotten. Genocide is an active event. The land remains occupied, bulldozed, and collectively punished.”
On January 14, 2025, Kanazi posted on X: “What a ceasefire for Israel looks like: Kill as many people as humanely possible until the moment a ceasefire takes effect. Seems colonizers need to get every drop of genocide out of their system until they can mass murder again.”
On December 23, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “All I want for Christmas is the dissolution of the state of Israel.”
On December 12, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Every Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese, Yemeni, Iraqi, Egyptian or Iranian has the right to resist Israeli aggression. Israel is the greatest threat to the region today, along with its normalizers and collaborators.”
On December 10, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Every state has the right to defend itself by invaders and occupiers / Every state in the region has the right to resist Israeli bombing campaigns and further colonization of land / Israel's "security" is a non-factor. It's settler colonial scheming, aggression, and mass theft.”
On December 10, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Dismantling Israel is a safety and security issue for the region.”
On December 4, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Anyone who supports Israel is a death loving demon. Evil incarnate. There is no world in which Zionism should exist. It has only thrived on genocide and the usurpation of Palestine, the erasure of Palestinian life. Liberation will only come through the end of Zionism.”
On November 20, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Israel exists to erase. Its existence is erasure. Its existence is death and ethnic cleansing. Israel exists to negate Palestine.”
On November 17, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Israel doesn’t survive this. Zionism doesn’t survive this. They showed defeat of an ideology masked in strength. There is no coming back from genocide. Many Israelis know it. They can feel it in their bones. The air is different. Nothing will be the same ever again.”
Also on November 17, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Israel is a nation of rape and sexual violence. It had been a defining characteristic of the state since its founding. That the narrative ever shifted to Palestinians was projection. Israel has been sexually obsessed and abusive of Palestinian men, women & kids for 75 years."
The modern State of Israel was founded 75 years earlier, in 1948.
On November 17, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Palestinians are being raped to death by Israel with support and funding by Democrats. That’s happening right now…”
On November 8, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “F**k Israel, f**k Israelis & f**k bogus claims of antisemitism. Israel has done more harm to Jewish people than anyone else on earth. It’s a depraved settler colony that feeds on mass death. No Israeli should feel safe under genocide…”
On October 28, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Kick Israel the f**k out of the UN [United Nations]. It has no business being there for one day longer. We are watching a real time genocide and every red line erased. Banning of UNRWA and shooting at UN workers. It’s the least the UN should do.”
The United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) has hired Hamas members as teachers in its schools and provided arms to the terror group. Dozens of UNRWA staff participated in the October 7, 2023, Hamas terror attack on Israel, and many kept hostages for Hamas in their homes.
On January 29, 2023, Kanazi tweeted: “Israel was created through violence and aggression. Israel continues that aggression unabated. Israel is the source of all violence in Palestine as a settler colonial state hellbent on territorial theft and ethnic cleansing.”
On January 9, 2023, Kanazi tweeted: “There is no Israeli democracy, just apartheid and repression…”
On November 17, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “In case Twitter goes away. F**k Israel. F**k Zionism. F**k the ADL. And boycott the heck out of the garbage, land thieving, archaic settler colonial state of Israel. And f**k anyone who has a problem with that sentiment.”
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in 1913 “To stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.
On November 3, 2022, Kanazi tweeted: “If you can’t boycott Israel at this point, you’re just an out and out anti-Palestinian fascist. You can’t be progressive and refuse to take action on 74 years of continued ethnic cleansing, land theft and massacre.”
On November 12, 2015, Kanazi tweeted: “Israeli settler colonialism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is the root of the problem. 70 years of #IsraeliIncitement.”
On August 5, 2014, Kanazi tweeted: “The IOF isn’t ‘elite,’ it simply has advanced weaponry & massacres large amounts of civilians in an open-air prison from afar. #Gaza.”
“Israeli Occupation Forces,” or “IOF,” is a derogatory name for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) used by anti-Israel activists to demonize Israel’s army.
On January 15, 2025, Kanazi posted on X referring to the January 15, 2025 Israel-Hamas ceasefire agreement: “...[U.S. President] Biden didn’t broker s**t. Biden is a death loving Nazi who is fully complicit in the mass extermination of Palestinians. He aided and abetted genocide for 15 straight months. He’s a ghoulish monster as is the whole of the Democratic Party.”
On November 6, 2024, Kanazi posted on X: “Democrats are depraved, genocide whitewashing fascists…”
SJP is the leading student organization engaged in anti-Israel activity on North American college and university campuses. The first chapter of SJP was founded in 2001 at the University of California at Berkeley by Professor Hatem Bazian, who has spread anti-Semitism and defended the Hamas terror group.
SJP organizes anti-Israel campus campaigns, including running annual Israel Apartheid Weeks and pushing the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. SJP activists have reportedly physically assaulted, intimidated and harassed Jewish students, and SJP chapters have often endorsed and campaigned for terrorists.
The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was founded by pro-terror activist Omar Barghouti in 2005 to turn “Israel into a pariah state, as South Africa once was.” Barghouti has also called for Israel's destruction and the BDS movement demands would result in that same goal.
BDS initiatives include calling on institutions and individuals to divest from Israeli-affiliated companies, promoting academic and cultural boycotts of Israel, and organizing anti-Israel rallies, protests and campaigns.
The movement’s most notable achievement has been infiltrating university campuses through lobbying for “BDS resolutions.” In these cases, student governments propose resolutions to boycott or divestment from Israel or Israeli-affiliated entities. BDS activity is often aggressive and disruptive. It has been noted that universities that pass BDS resolutions see a marked increase in anti-Semitic incidents and pro-terror activism on campus.